Anthropology 444, Economics 444 case study

CASE STUDY REPORTS: Graeber, David. Debt Report # 3. How does a human economy change to a market economy in the context of slavery? Use specific examples from at least two chapters. USE NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. These reports may be somewhat different from other papers you are accustomed to writing for university courses. In essence, they are book reports. If you do the reports as I ask you to, it will indicate to me that you understand some of the basic concepts in the course and can apply them to a specific case. Although I give a topic to write about, I leave the content open. There will be more available to write about than the space available (3 pages) for each paper. The students can then choose whatever is most interesting to them about the topic, or that they find most important about the topic. The students may give an overview, or focus on one or more incidents in the assigned book regarding the assigned topic. I am asking the students to write to specifications and I will also grade on specifications, as indicated below. To that end, I am leaving style open. The papers may be straight reporting, or may be reporting with reflection on one’s own culture, or one’s own experience. Format–Each report must be 3 pages. Reports of two or four pages will lose 10 points. Reports that are too short by 50% will not be graded and the student will lose all 100 points for that report. College standard format is: 12 pt. font, double-spacing, indented paragraphs. Writing–Six grammatical or spelling mistakes will lose 10 points, twelve will lose 20. No more than twenty points will be lost for writing. Content–The five content criteria are: relevance, use of two terms from class, use of correct information from the book, specific examples from the book to illustrate the assigned topic, no more than 10% of the paper to consist of quotation. On Time—Papers turned in on time will gain these 20 points. Papers turned in late will lose 10 points for up to one week late. Papers turned in more than two weeks after the due date will not be graded and the student will lose all 100 points for that report.

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