normal writing style sources has to be from my subject bioprocess engineering Please submit a brief outline which demonstrates your understanding of the following: Why are there control systems in the world of Bioprocessing manufacturing? What are the main parts that make a control system and what do these components do ? Explain your understanding of how a PLC system Operates ? What are control loops for and give an example of one simple example as mentioned in the course or related to Bioprocessing manufacturing ? ( be carefull not to mix up control loops with process sequences/programs) Approx 250 words per answer. Bullet point answers are fine for example: Main components are: followed by a list and brief description of the job each component does to make control system function. Few hints for the future CAs with me: Write down the question thats asked so you can answer it.. Every CA and every year I get a lot of answers not related to the question which cannot be awarded points. , Answer the question thats asked, think about your answer and see does it make sense Also Im Looking for your understanding in your own words of what is asked. If ther is anything you dont understand Please Just ask. Assignment 1 10 % 9 days to submitTurnitin Assignment 2 Not completed: Assignment 1 10 % 9 days to submit try to demonstrate your understanding of subject matter. I am examining the past 3 lectures only Please note that the system can pick up if you cut and paste from internet and other places . So you need to show your original content not that you cutted and pasted the subject matter.