You will be responding to the prompt below. Remember, to get full points, you must post an original response (60-100 words) and reply to two (2) of the responses of your classmates (40-60 words each). Use correct citations when needed (page numbers from the book). For more detailed requirements for the Discussion Board, please see the rubric. Prompt: Given the title of Magritte’s painting (shown in 4.5 and on Pg 75), The Treason of Images, Ceci n’est pas une pipe, 1929, if the image of a pipe were accompanied simply by the word “pipe,” it would be tantamount to an act of treachery. Our visual culture is full of images that work with this fundamental deception: a representation suggests qualities that the thing itself may not possess. Consider for instance, the logo of the McDonald’s restaurant chain, the so-called “Golden Arches.” What might the company mean to communicate with this logo? Does it influence your idea about the food? Can You think of other images in our visual culture the meaning of which we too easily accept without examining? A good place to look might be the apps on your phone.