Lab Report for Enzyme Lab: Potato Catalase

Lab report for Enzyme Lab. The lab report to be uploaded here. Penalty for not following the file naming convention is 5pts. Produce a report following the general Lab report guidelines as before. See the Lab Report rubric. Please read the writing guidelines. The Lab Report Title of the exercise, Name, Course, Semester (2 pts) Introduction : (10pts) What is an enzyme? What is the exercise going to show about the enzyme? What is the hypothesis that you may propose for the exercise? Include reference for what you write. Method: (8pts) In your own words, outline the method you followed. Use past tense when describing what you did. Results : (20pts total) Present the data in the table form as well as with a graph (bar graph) (10pts). The X axis of the graph will be the treatment, while the Y-axis will be the reaction result (height of the foam formed). Units of measurement essential. Make sure you review the results. Present pictures (properly captioned and labeled) of the exercise that you have done (10pts). Do not forget to reference the pictures. Make sure to describe the results in your own words, and make sure to label the pictures. Discussion & Conclusion : (15pts) What did you learn in terms of the activity of enzymes? What effect did you see with each of the different pre-treatments in this enzyme? Explain the results from each pre-treatment based on what you know about enzyme activity. Comment on the possible and/or known sources of error in performing the exercise. Suggest other variables that may be tested for in this exercise. Reference citation. References (5pts) Make sure that the references are cited in text also and proper APA convention is followed. It is important also to cite the source for the procedure for the lab exercise.

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Lab Report for Enzyme Lab: Potato Catalase
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