Motivation letter

I don’t need it to long since it’s a Motivation letter for visa application I will give you my explanation of all details in the motivation letter and I need your help kindly to do it in proficinal and official way Motivation letter to German embassy Apply as employment visa To contiune my medical training in Germany I would like to mention that I would like to apply for employment visa in order to do my medical training in Germany Question needs to be answered Why applying medical training in Germany…? I need a help with that My experience I am qiulifed doctor in my country and worked in deferant surgical departments and ended up in plastic and reconstrative surgery including burn unit not less than 3 years. Which I found my self diligent on this field and gain more experience in case management. After I got my acceptance in Germany for medical training in plastic surgery. My 1st challenging part is while working 5days per week +10oncalls per months which covers weekends the same time I started learning German language in med of 2018 which I believe it’s a big step and when I reached b1 level I sucrificed my job income and took unpaid vacation just to do my b1 level self study. I live in the north side of my country and I have traveled many time to do my exams inside and outside my country just to get what I am planing for I am totally aware and believe it’s challenging part to get medical license before starting as professional doctor in Germany but I took the risk and passed some steps while am working full time and even if it takes more am ready to do my best, noting is impossible. And while am in Germany I will be a full time in goethe institute and this is great to focus because what I discovered is once you know the language skills every thing goes smooth later with medical terms and medical knowledge exam My 2nd challenging part is after passing my b1 and my scholarship is ready I tried to apply for the visa and unfortunately I was refused 2 times and this resulted so far my contract was expired but this did not take my passion and dream off, I tried hardly to find what is the defect and read more about the conditions in the states of Germany for doctors and am glad I found the solution and got my second acceptance and directly applyed for to the german government state which happly I got there answer. . My plan is once I get my training done I will take this heavey knowledge and work with greatfull thanks back to my country and serve my experience to others.

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