Using the Library website

Due to rapidly expanding technologies, it is now possible for a student working at home to have access to more materials through the online databases and elibrary than at the regular campus library, even at large research institutions! But those online materials are organized like a library is; rarely will the techniques employed in a Google search yield similar results in an online library database. Learning to research online may require a complete new skill set. To begin this assignment, At a minimum, you’ll need to view the (9 videos in total).  As you peruse the online offerings and practice your search techniques, keep a few notes so you can complete this assignment. Write a well-developed paragraph that explains: your level of expertise/familiarity with these services before you began this assignment    the best tips that you learned from the videos In addition, list one article that you found in a database of your choice that you think you might use form an Essay, a Feature Article and an annotated bibliography. Cite the article using MLA format and provide an annotation that includes a brief summary of the article, how you know it is credible (go beyond the fact that you found it using the library’s database), and how you think you will use it.

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Using the Library website
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