Company’s corporate problem (Writer’s choice of company)

Insturctions: 1. Choose a company which has/had a “corporate problem” 2. Provide a solution or alternative approach to their problem by using the material in the class textbook (see attached file). 3. Use analysis with an explanation of the detailed calculations and information, which includes formulas. 4. Discuss of why the analysis support your recommend solution. A part of this analysis may also include pertinent qualitative facts about the case which assisted in arriving to your recommendations. Requirement of content: In page 1: Identify the chapter, topic and approach used for this assignment. State the purpose of quantitative analysis used to address corporate problem. In page 2: Provide the model (formula), numerical solution and summary of results. Clearly, state recommendation support by solution. P.S. I will be using these two pages and compose them into a power point slide and act as a narrative when present the overall content.

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Company’s corporate problem (Writer’s choice of company)
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